Informed Decision-making in Resource Management The establishment of the Amburayan River as a Water Quality Management Area (WQMA) will help in its protection and aid in establishing a governing body for the river. Water Quality Testing is one of the major requirements needed for WQMA designation. This would provide information regarding the state of the continue reading : Water Testing for River Protection
Communities for Environmental Protection
Small communities making a big difference The environment is best protected by people who understand at an instinctive level, the importance of their natural resources. Rural communities rely on the rivers and the land for livelihood and they recognize the weight of their actions. Last April 24, 2015, the community of Natubleng in Buguias, Benguet continue reading : Communities for Environmental Protection
Mapping a Green Future
Geotagging Technology for the Environment Geotagging, a technology which allows photos and other media to be embedded with geographical data can change the manner by which organizations record and monitor their projects. In March 19 and 20, 2015, a Geotagging training was held in La Trinidad, Benguet for the technical representatives of partner Local Government continue reading : Mapping a Green Future
Creating Environmental Heroes
Through Forestry Laws Awareness Communities are the best guardians of the environment. JVOFI recognizes the importance of arming local communities with the resources needed to save the environment and utilizes this for a project that aims to protect and defend the Amburayan River, a river which spans more than 12 municipalities in the provinces of continue reading : Creating Environmental Heroes
Towards Amburayan River’s Protection
The designation of the Amburayan River as a Water Quality Management Area (WQMA) is one goal of the project, Protecting and Defending the Amburayan River Basin and Watershed through Good Governance and Active Peoples’ Participation. A WQMA designation would help ensure the river’s protection as well as provide a structure for the management of its continue reading : Towards Amburayan River’s Protection