Sagittarius Zodiac Compatibilities


When Aries and Sagittarius engage in sexual relations it can be quite funny. Sagittarius partner has this innate ability to make a joke out of almost anything. The seriousness of an Aries when sex is in question is something that gives Sagittarius a strong impulse to make a joke.

These are two Fire signs, both very passionate, each one in their own way. Aries is passionate when it comes to action, new things and of course – naked people and specific sexual positions. Sagittarius is passionate about their cheerful personality. You have to understand that Sagittarius really only cares about their opinions, convictions and moral value. They can spend their entire life analyzing these to see if they are wrong or right and search for the universal truth. When it comes to their optimism and good mood, they passionately protect them from anything too serious or hard. If they let someone taint them, it would shake their conviction that they should always smile and find a reason to be happy.

Although Aries can be a bit vain about their sexual abilities and performance, in most cases Sagittarius is able to break this wall of strict, sexual tension and lead them to a more relaxed zone where they can relax and experiment.


Aries and Sagittarius are both aware of the excessive need for honesty in their life. Usually they don’t have to talk much to understand each other and can easily spot when the other one is lying. This makes it extremely hard to create a situation of mistrust, especially because of the feeling of security Sagittarius partner gives to Aries, by taking everything in with dignity and serenity. In most situations Aries feels they can share anything with their Sagittarius partner.

The problem could appear if they have different views on the seriousness and depth of their relationship. If this is the case, usually a Sagittarius partner sees Aries as a short term, not that important partner. This is why they could easily cheat on them and probably wouldn’t even call it cheating. In return, Aries partner that values their relationship more, would jump into their possessive nature with even more ease and never trust their Sagittarius partner again.


This is a wonderful bond that is often seen in friendships that last for years. Their mutual understanding can be so deep, that even if they lack physical attraction, they would gladly substitute it with a life spent in this kind of intellectual relationship. They motivate and push each other wherever they might like to go. When they are together, they make each other feel as if nothing is impossible. While Aries gives initiative and focus, Sagittarius gives vision and faith.

These signs are ruled by Mars and Jupiter, which means that they could have some disagreements on their convictions. In case these are not convictions they think of as their personality’s foundation, this shouldn’t be a huge problem. Still, it is possible for their set of beliefs to differ too much for them to even understand each other. When this happens, they fight whenever and wherever they can, since none of them has the ability to let their convictions go. Aries because they want to win, and Sagittarius because convictions are their forte and something they have surely thought about a lot.


When they fall in love with each other, deeply and sincerely, it is almost possible for their passers-by to warm up in the middle of winter. These are extremely warm signs, due to their corresponding element of Fire, open for any kind of activity just to share time together and feel that wonderful emotion in their stomach. This is a love that could last for a very long time, for as long as their respect their personal needs, individuality and the distance they possibly need from each other every once in a while.

Although they are not considered very emotional, it is a mistake to assign emotionality only to the element of Water. This is an element which works from the heart and you can feel it in your chest. In search for an explanation of emotional nature of Fire signs, you should just imagine that warm feeling in your belly and that would be the best possible description. Their emotions are active, warm and on the move. Always changeable but creative and there to move them anywhere they want to go.


Aries partner values things that are brought up to a higher level by their Sagittarius. In time they will both understand that Aries grows through this relationship and widens their entire system of values. When they started dating, Aries probably had this idea of honor and heroic “sweep off feet” logic. In time, they both must have realized that Sagittarius gives this idea a new step up and brings it into a world of royalty. Not only does Sagittarius value honorable and heroic people, too, but they value honorable people with blue blood that give money and food to the poor, every day.

Their main difference is in the fact that Aries values things concise and clear, while Sagittarius will easily disperse and go around the point for days. This can be met through their mutual value of truth, so honesty can be their cure for anything.


Aries is a sign in which Saturn falls. This means that they easily get tired or just bored and they always need new and exciting stimulations. Sagittarius is a sign of mutable quality, ready to change whatever needs changing in order to feel good. When they get together, their activities can be shared and fun whatever they are. This has nothing to do with their needs and tendencies, but with the potential of their entire relationship. They can go for coffee and they would have fun, but they could also go bungee jumping together and have even more fun. It is all the same to them. They are fully capable of respecting each other’s personality, so even if their wishes for certain activities differ, this would be easily dealt with.


This is definitely a couple with lots of potential. They might have to stand up to their environment and defend their feelings from others, but this won’t shake them too much, for neither of them thinks that much about the opinion of others anyway. If they manage to mend their philosophical differences and respect each other’s different opinions, they could become one of the warmest relationships in the zodiac. Their main relationship advice would be to always tell the truth to each other and not go crazy about their healthy differences. Their differences are exactly the thing that could make their sexual life more exciting.


When Taurus thinks of sexuality, Sagittarius is probably the last person on their mind. With their childish attitude that changes with the weather, there seems to be no room for any sexual activity in their life. Although this is a delusion, these signs are too far apart in their basic character to understand each other’s sexuality. Sagittarius would probably think of Taurus as a person who eats and sleeps all day long. There is nothing sexual about it, right?

It is interesting though, how two people ruled by two beneficent planets such as Venus and Jupiter can’t seem to find sexual satisfaction. The fact is – they can. Although this is a rare scenario, they could actually use their attributes to enhance sexual pleasure Venus would offer. If they understood each other as two individuals who deserve respect, they could find the missing link for a very interesting and fulfilling sex life. Taurus would take care of their Sagittarius partner and keep them satisfied. In return they would get a cheerful soul who knows how to make their relationship exciting. There is so much to be learned about the “light side” of sexuality here, and this could be a fun experience if Taurus loosened up a little and Sagittarius slowed down.


The sign of Sagittarius is considered something like a synonym for honesty. It is true that representatives of this sign have no idea how to make up a lie, let alone tell it. Still, when it comes to romantic relationships, they often suffer from a Don Juan syndrome and can’t get enough attention from one partner. Taurus finds this repulsive at best, and if a relationship with a Sagittarius partner begins and they start acting this way, there is a big chance they will get dumped.

Trust between these partners isn’t something to be questioned and analyzed. If they do trust each other they can have a wonderful, trusting relationship for a while, but there is still no guarantee on how long this could last. If they don’t, it won’t be mended whatever they try to do. Usually loss of trust here simply breaks up the relationship and they both go their separate ways with no regret.


There are so many beautiful things in the world, and so much to talk about when you think about them. Taurus and Sagittarius both have this joy about them that can be awaken by their relationship. With the Moon exalted in Taurus and Jupiter exalted in Cancer (ruled by the Moon), there is a certain feel, a soul, a tenderness to share between them. Their approaches to life are different, their characters incomparable, but the joy they can feel toward some things is completely the same.

If they don’t find this shared feeling of joy, they could both learn what bad communication really is. In most cases they can talk about the weather and be fine, but when they have a problem, this turns into a ridiculous conversation that isn’t really a conversation at all. Sagittarius will want to jump out of their skin while waiting for Taurus to finish the sentence, as much as Taurus will look at their Sagittarius partner as a source of all stupidity.

Taurus is your countryside and Sagittarius is the world, so their problems could easily include disrespect because of their origin or their goals. Although they will rarely end up in a fight or use ugly words, it can sometimes be too obvious how much they don’t care for each other’s worlds and how far apart they really are.


They are both connected with the Moon in a way, so there are some feelings to be shared. However, Sagittarius doesn’t normally react with much emotion to static, from their perspective boring Taurus nature. If Taurus was a bit more prone to temporary infatuations or platonic relationships, they could fall in love with a Sagittarius enough to overcome the differences between them. Sagittarius on the other hand, is often infatuated and temporarily in love. There is a great chance they will fall in love with a Taurus if they like their physical appearances, but they won’t last in those feelings for long enough to gently lead Taurus to mutual love.

Their pace is off and they rarely get in sync with their emotions. Most relationships between a Taurus and a Sagittarius partner that manage to last, are those that started as a friendship and had a chance to develop emotionally for years without them actually being in a romantic relationship.


The combination of signs of Taurus and Sagittarius is a “flower child” full of love, understanding for the world and ultimately humane. They could support each other’s utopian worlds a bit too passionately, and this could lead to one of them, or both, being in a delusion about what reality is about. There is too much love and happiness in the world if they start sharing opinions and this can become like a drug to both of them. The practicality of Taurus will usually break this pattern and hit a counter-attack with their reality checks and material issues so they can both remember where their values part ways – to security and utter lack of it.


Food. That is mostly what they both would share. Taurus might not actually share food with joy, but they will certainly like to share the activity of eating. It could be quite easy for them to find other things to do together, too. The problem will surface the moment Taurus wants to go home and spend an evening in their warm bed, while Sagittarius’ fun has just begun. They don’t share the same passion toward the same things, and although they might have fun being together, their priorities are not the same. The Fire energy of Sagittarius will be put off by Taurus’ Earth personality and this will be tedious for both of them.


With their inner beauty and the understanding they share in search of the truth to life, these two might seem as a perfect couple. However, every positive needs a negative to complete it, and when we really observe, we can notice that often a Taurus and a Sagittarius don’t even get attracted to each other. Taurus needs earthly pleasures in their relationships and as a fixed, Earth sign it is the slowest of all signs. This is not exactly someone who can easily understand the fast, changeable and fiery Sagittarius.

The best possible scenario for their relationship would be for them to get to know each other very well and build a friendship without expectations, for years. In the end, this could result in deep understanding that would provide them both with enough patience to actually start a relationship that has a future. If not, they can always hold on to beauty in the world. Imagine how wonderful their world of creation could be if they joined their forces of good.


Gemini and Sagittarius have this strange approach to sex, childish and light as if they don’t really care about it. When they get together, they usually get strangely involved in emotions none of them really understands. Their sex life is something to cherish, easy, open and with no pressure at any side. They will both enjoy their sexual relations, followed by laughter, creativity and joy. As two children in bodies of grown-ups, they could go through the feeling of shame together if they don’t have much experience.

When they meet a bit older, there is a slim chance that both of them didn’t have enough sexual experiences and partners to understand their personal needs and desires. This can make them both a bit selfish, but if their communication keeps going, there is no reason why this would be a turn off for anyone.

It is a strange thing, but sex is really not that important to these partners. They are looking for someone to complete their mental personalities, someone to talk to and give them a sense of purpose. This is why they could decide to stay friends after a breakup, for their starting premise was in building a strong relationship founded on their personalities, rather than their sexual or emotional natures.


If anyone can understand the need of their partner to not be faithful, it’s these two. Strangely enough, this can lead to ultimate faithfulness, for there will be no more excitement in the secrecy and mystery of parallel relationships. Sagittarius is not someone who can tell a lie and keep a straight face, and they are usually really disturbed by the lies of other people. Gemini can tell a lie with such ease that they sometimes don’t even know they’re lying. When they get together, this all becomes something to have fun with and they could play a game of trust until they build it on strong foundations of mutual respect.


Wow! This kind of understanding is truly something to cherish. A problem can surface when they are both preoccupied with chasing their personal values and don’t see what they have with each other. As opposing signs they complement each other in general, but this is strongly sensed in this segment of their relationship. With Gemini’s ideas and mind flow, there is nothing Sagittarius can’t learn or share, being a student and a teacher at the same time. The curiosity goes both ways and they will spend days just learning about each other and absorbing shared experiences.

The only thing that can interfere with the quality of their mental connection is the possible fear of intimacy that builds in the meantime. That strength of personal exchange stops being mental and starts being emotional at some point, and as two signs that aren’t exactly emotional to begin with, they can be frightened by the intensity of emotions that are surfacing when they are together.

In general, this is a couple you want to hang out with, every day. They will literally share happiness with one another and with those around them. They can inspire anyone to love and to smile, because when in love, they will laugh so sincerely and have so much fun together. The “here-and-there” nature of Gemini will get new meaning and purpose through the eyes of their Sagittarius, while the search for the ultimate truth can be so much easier for a Sagittarius with the mind of a Gemini. Their optimism and their eloquence will multiply, day after day, until one of them gets scared and decides to take off or death do them part.


It is kind of strange to think about the emotional side of the relationship between a Gemini and a Sagittarius. Both signs have a non-emotional feel to them, but their contact develops so much emotion that maybe neither one of them will be able to cope with it. They are not used to feeling that much, and when they “click”, Sagittarius could discover the new meaning of life and Gemini a synthesis that they’ve never had a chance to experience. This can truly be a fascinating love story, if only they don’t run away from all that emotion.


There is this important thing they both value – things that make sense. As opposing signs it might seem that Gemini is scattered and superficial, while Sagittarius is collected and deep, but in fact they have the same core in the fact that everything needs to make sense. Usually, we would connect this with the sign of Sagittarius, but Gemini has it in their approach to words and everyday actions. Their Mercury can’t deal with senseless words, stories without meaning and purpose, whatever that purpose may be.


Not only will they share every activity that any of them thinks of, but they will also laugh all the way, whatever they decide to do together. This positive emotion and pure joy they can share, becomes something like a happy drug to both of them and they no longer want to be apart. As two mutable signs, they understand each other’s changeability and flexibility, perfectly capable to find all the right reasons why everything they do makes perfect sense. There is a point when they will get irritating to their surroundings, like two spoiled children without a care in the world, but while they are this happy – why would they care?


Gemini and Sagittarius make an incredible couple, probably being the most innocent one of all oppositions in the zodiac. They don’t often find each other right away, but at some point in life it is almost certain that a Gemini will find their Sagittarius and vice versa. Their relationship has a strong intellectual connection, in which they will gradually find deep emotions. There is no real prognosis how this will end though, because the emotions they feel could easily scare them away and their relationship could end only because of fear. If they decide to give in and find out what they could share, with Gemini’s ideas and Sagittarius’ beliefs, the sky is the limit. Or is it beyond?


Cancer and Sagittarius will almost never get attracted to each other. If they do, against odds, they could find an interesting shared sexual language that none of them anticipated will be found. The changeable nature of Sagittarius can be somewhat difficult for Cancer to understand because of their opposite need for emotional security. If trust between them is reached in any possible way and true emotions are shared, this characteristic of a Sagittarius partner will become a spice to their sex life, rather than its destructive force.

If they have enough emotional security with one another, their sex life could be very fun. Cancer is a sign that exalts Jupiter, and will probably make their partner feel special. On the other hand, Sagittarius will make things light, fun and although the lack of depth could bother Cancer, passion and warmth they bring into their sex life might just be enough to compensate.

The only way their relationship can succeed is for Cancer to let go of their preconceptions and allows some change and fun enter their strict sex zone. Although they can seem mellow most of the time, they have a tendency to hold on to secure patterns when it comes to things that can make them feel shame or insecurity. In return, Sagittarius will have to lower their expectations on Cancer’s own changeability and sexual creativity, and be satisfied with lovemaking instead of a sexual adventure.


Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter. Deities associated with this planet were considered great lovers, always on the chase for different women, goddesses, nymphs, and whoever seemed attractive enough. More often than not, Sagittarius representatives have the need to show their seductive skills to everyone around them and we could call this a “Zeus’ complex”.

Although the sign of Cancer loves Jupiter very much, emotions make it impossible for them to understand this flirty need of their partner to win the hearts of everyone around them. Not only will this disturb Cancer’s trust, but it will also affect the trust Sagittarius has in the understanding they will get from their partner. This could be the source of many conflicts and misunderstandings, and could finally lead to the point where their relationship has no purpose or future at all.


Both of these signs strive for knowledge, pure and simple. Their mutual love for it will give them plenty of things to talk about and a deep understanding of each other’s reasoning. Their minds need to find the synthesis of things that surround them and their belief systems can be quite similar. The wonderful thing of their mutual love of Jupiter is exactly in the similarities between their minds and their ways of thinking.

Cancer can seem a bit slow from Sagittarius’ perspective, as much as Sagittarius can seem superficial or too “philosophical” to Cancer. They can easily overcome these issues if they find a passion they share and usually if these two choose the same profession, they have many things to talk about. They understand each other’s mind and the way their brain works, even when there is a large intellectual difference between them. If they happen to fall in love, communication is something they can always use as means to solve any other problem that appears in the course of their relationship.


This is not a combination of Sun signs that will fall in love very often. As elements of Water and Fire, they don’t really spark each other’s passion and the love between them will hardly ever be the same intensity, at the same time or the same pace. Sagittarius is a mutable Fire sign and they usually fall in love quickly and passionately. If their love is to last, their partner needs to surprise and impress them often, making the relationship exciting and unpredictable.

Cancer, on the other hand, is a cardinal Water sign, and they will make sharp turns and huge changes, but much less frequently than their partner. Cancers follow their feel of situations and people, and need time to build a relationship in which they feel secure enough to share emotions. When love happens between them, usually Sagittarius feels it first, wants to jump in and out and in and out enough times for Cancer to realize that they cannot build this sense of security to even consider their relationship a true love.

If they are to build a love that will last, Sagittarius partner will have to slow down and wait until their partner decides how they feel. In return, Cancer will have to take a leap of faith and jump into a relationship that offers no security, to see if enough love can be found between them so they can stay together.


Although they value different things and different characteristics in people around them, they have a strong link in the way they value knowledge. Cancer will value Sagittarius’ honesty and their ability to act on emotional impulse, even if they don’t understand the emotion behind the act. Sagittarius will value Cancers dedication to things they love and their incredible ability for compassion.


They might study together, but it would probably be a torture for Cancer to watch their partner move from one paragraph to another, only to find what they were really searching for at the end of some old book and then lose interest in the entire subject. Sagittarius will look at their partner as if the entire person just turned into a long, irritating pause. The way these signs use their energy is so different that it is not only difficult to find activities they will do together, but more importantly it is difficult for them to do things in a similar way. This could make the possible impossible and they could be forever separated by a simple difference in their speed.


Cancer and Sagittarius are usually signs that aren’t attracted to each other at all. If attraction and love are born between them, they will rarely have a damaging relationship for any one of them, because their signs are ruled by the Moon and beneficent Jupiter. It is safe to assume that they will be good for each other, for as long as their relationship lasts, but it is rare for them to succeed in the long run if they don’t have strong support from positions in their personal horoscopes. As much as Cancer can reach the depth of their partner’s faith, Sagittarius can widen their partner’s horizons and make them much happier in their approach to the world. If they have feelings for each other, it would be a shame not to act on them and miss the opportunity to peacefully grow.


As two fire signs, one of them fixed and one of them mutable, Leo and Sagittarius share a warm love for each other. When they start dating, their sexual relationship might come as a surprise for both of them, for they will feel liberated to be exactly who they are with each other. The best thing they could do is use the trine between their Suns and build-up each other’s self-esteem, especially if they have been in demanding or disrespectful relationships prior to theirs.

The best thing about their sex life is the passion they share. Leo is there to bring inner fire for the act of sex, and Sagittarius to fire up the expansion, the places, positions and horizons. They will both enjoy each other in a fiery way and respect each other’s bodies, minds and entire personalities. If they stumble upon one another and love is born, their sex life could represent a perfect connection for both of them.


Since they spark each other’s sense of security and confidence, they will rarely show jealousy or misunderstand each other’s actions. Leo does like to be the center of attention and feel attractive and desirable, but this is something a Sagittarius partner can provide in abundance. There is usually no reason for them to lose trust over time, except when their emotions start to fade. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and as such, they can fall in and out of love quickly and frequently. In case Leo starts feeling left out and unloved, the suspicion will rise, and what better way to respond to suspicion than by becoming suspicious yourself, Sagittarius might think. Although they both might be unaware of the root of their issues when trust is lost, it is usually a simple lack of love.


Leo and Sagittarius are both very focused on their mental activity. Leo because they are ruled by the Sun and this gives them a certain rational awareness and Sagittarius because they always aim higher from the Earth, philosophical and wide opinionated. This is something that will help them communicate about almost anything, even though their interests might differ and their backgrounds as well. Leo has the ability to help Sagittarius when they get lost, and this could happen often if their plans are grand. Sagittarius will give Leo vision and the ability to understand the future of their current creative efforts. Together, they make an important part of the process of creation.

As two highly aware individuals with a strong sense of Selves and their personalities, they could build up an incredible understanding. They can both be loud, communicate a lot, and this could make their relationship truly remarkable, deepening their intimacy through openness they share to get into each other’s worlds. Since they both have a strong personality, they will not feel threatened by each other’s character and each other’s strength of opinions and convictions. The only thing they might lack is the sensibility to outer influences and their fiery relationship could make them a bit too rough on each other, and on themselves. Still, the power of creativity and their active approach to life should keep them interested in one another and very well connected for a long time.


As two Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius tend to be very passionate and open in showing how they feel. They will want to show their love, share their love and act on their impulses as much as they can. This can sometimes be too much, for no passive, fragile emotions or energy will be respected. Some balance would come in handy, especially if they often fight. Conflicts between them could be quite aggressive, not because they are that aggressive themselves, but because two fires build an even larger fire. It is almost like they might explode if they both go too far.

When they fall in love, this seems like the warmest, cuddly love on planet Earth. In most cases, this will be enough to overcome any difficulties in their way, but sometimes these partners both tend to forget their actual sensitivity. They have to understand when the time has come to slow down, stay at home, talk about nothing at all and just be quiet. If they don’t, they will probably turn to someone who can give them this kind of peace from time to time.


They will most certainly value each other’s strength of character and incredible personalities, the ability to warm each other up in every possible way and the passion they carry within, each for their own purposes. Still, it is not easy to explain to a Leo why it is so good to run away from the world, travel in Greenland alone, and eat bugs somewhere in Asia, except if one wants to show their courage. On the other hand, Sagittarius doesn’t really understand why they would go to fancy places and confront all the people that it is easier to run from. This is not a consequence of a lack of courage, but the lack of meaning they feel when they need to spend their time on tiresome people. So although they value the same thing – courage, they see it through different eyes.


We would think that Leo likes to travel just as much as Sagittarius. They have the energy and the need to search for knowledge and widen their horizons, but they don’t exactly like to move that much. This is due to their fixed nature, and although they would like to visit any possible part of the world, they wouldn’t do it at the same pace as Sagittarius, nor would they choose the same destinations. Sagittarius, on the other hand, doesn’t really understand why Leo wants to perform in front of so many people when there are starving children in Africa. These are simplified examples, but they serve us pretty well to understand how well they might work together, travel together, perform together, but only if they are open enough to ad purpose and strength to their approaches.


Leo and Sagittarius are a very good fiery combination of signs, and when two people with these Sun signs come together, they inevitably fall in love. This love is warm, passionate and inspiring, and they will have a chance to create, perform and have fun together for as long as they feel this way. However, Sagittarius partner might lose interest in Leo because they tend to get pushed away by their static, fixed nature. The only way they might get to keep their passion and emotions going, is if they manage to listen to their softer emotions and remain tender and sensitive for one another.


Just like all mutable sign combinations, these partners could have a lot of fun. Even though Virgo can be quite demanding and critical, especially from the point of view of Sagittarius, their sex life can be satisfying for both. The good thing about their connection lies in a fact that these signs are ruled by planets that also rule their opposing signs. This means that they will feel attraction and a need to begin a sexual relationship in the first place.

The main problem here is in the difference in their elements. Virgo is an Earth sign, and as such, doesn’t often take too many risks. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and they will passionately force things until they reach their goal. This doesn’t work well in their sexual contact, for Virgo might feel pushed into things they don’t want to do, and Sagittarius might be turned off by the practical and static nature of Virgo. The most important thing these partners should remember is that they both need room to be who they are. With two such giving people, sex life comes down to who will satisfy whom best, as soon as they deal with unrealistic expectations.


If you dig for the biggest problem in the relationship between a Virgo and a Sagittarius partner, you will realize that it is their lack of trust, not only in each other, but in their entire relationship. As friends, they can be unshakeable about their convictions and hold on to some traditional values together, but as soon as they start a romantic relationship, both of them seem to start feeling trapped.

Virgo doesn’t look like a zodiac sign that will easily feel trapped, but their mutable quality makes them impatient and always in search for change. They cannot be held in one place for long, any more than a Sagittarius can. The main difference being the degree of sacrifice they are willing to make. Out of these emotions, both partners will start feeling the need to be with someone different, and this is a relationship with probably the biggest potential for adultery, unless incredible guilt stops them first. Communication followed by mutual respect is their only chance of building a trustful bond.


There is so much to say when Virgo and Sagittarius come together, and even though these partners might spark each other’s need to talk excessively, all the time, they will both feel quite good about it. If they hit the zone of real understanding, they will be excited about the use of their minds and the beautiful conclusions and philosophy they can create together. Virgo will bring all the little pieces into their intellectual connection, while a Sagittarius will have vision and help create a bigger picture. Even though they don’t complement each other anywhere close to their opposing signs, the intellectual excitement will be equally important to them from the start.

The most relevant fact for these partners to remember is that their respect is the most important thing to hold on to. If they disrespect one another, Virgo will observe their Sagittarius partner as a weirdo, stupid enough to run away from anything that has depth, while Sagittarius will look at their Virgo partner as a weirdo, stupid enough to hold on to irrelevant things. They need to remember that each of them has a different role, and that for each role, these “stupid” characteristics represent the best possible base.


This is not exactly a couple that will often end up in a happily ever after, even though they both wish to find the right person for this more than anything. In most cases, their vision of a fairytale ending differs too much for them to have it with one together. Still, in some rare situations, their mutable natures allow them to move in the same pace with enough respect to stay in an emotional bond that satisfies them both.

Both of these partners are considered unemotional, but this is mostly because of their need to rationalize, analyze and use their minds to explain everything that happens to them, rather than rely on their hearts or gut feelings. This will often be a problem, for Virgo needs someone truly emotional so they can show their own deep feelings. Sagittarius seems to be uninterested in needs of Virgo or simply unaware of them because they act as if they are purely rational. The trick here is for both partners to see behind the act in order to find each other’s hearts and understand what they can expect from one another.


Virgo and Sagittarius will strangely have similar values based on their mutable quality. This is why they will both treasure someone able to adapt, change and move, which is definitely something they will find in each other as they start their relationship. As highly mental signs, they will also both value clarity of mind and intelligence, in general. Still, their approach to intellectual value is different, and as much as Virgo values depth and detailed analysis, Sagittarius will value the width of one’s mind. Even though they differ in other things they value greatly, Virgo valuing practicality and Sagittarius vision and focus, there is enough common ground here for both of them to feel good when together.


Virgo and Sagittarius will strangely have similar values based on their mutable quality. This is why they will both treasure someone able to adapt, change and move, which is definitely something they will find in each other as they start their relationship. As highly mental signs, they will also both value clarity of mind and intelligence, in general. Still, their approach to intellectual value is different, and as much as Virgo values depth and detailed analysis, Sagittarius will value the width of one’s mind. Even though they differ in other things they value greatly, Virgo valuing practicality and Sagittarius vision and focus, there is enough common ground here for both of them to feel good when together.


The relationship between a Virgo and a Sagittarius is not a usual happy ending emotional story. There are many challenges in their way, the biggest being their emotional lack of understanding and their possible lack of respect. Still, when they find a way to show emotions and share them in the same pace and in an understandable way, they could actually have a lot of fun together. Their communication is often exciting and they both have a lot to say to each other, but their rationality may distract them from an actual search for love. If they discover how well they complement each other, they might be able to stay together for a long time.


The intensity of emotional contact and intimacy between a Libra and a Sagittarius will mostly depend on other factors in personal charts, but they will most certainly enjoy their sexual relationship. They are a very good match when it comes to sexuality, for no partner here feels pressured and there is just enough room for both of them to grow, develop, build their self-esteem and feel secure in each other’s arms.

Ruled by two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, their main objective is to form an enjoyable sexual relationship, with a primary goal to make each other happy. For this goal, they will experiment a lot, and try out new things, everything followed by a smile and a sense of lightness, as if sex wasn’t really a big deal in the first place. The seriousness of Libra linked to its exaltation of Saturn will give their entire relationship endurance and stability, while their ruling Venus working together with Jupiter, gives enough romance, sexual desire, tenderness and might lead them to a fairytale ending. This combination of planets forms Neptune in a way, and speaks of the growth of satisfaction leading to orgasmic pleasure, even though both signs might not seem at all sexual to some other members of the zodiac.


As stated above, rulers of Libra and Sagittarius are closely linked to Neptune and the challenge of trust is one of the most important experiences that this relationship gives. They can both go to extremes, either having unrealistic faith in each other or mistrusting every word and every action that is made. The only way to keep the image of trust for these signs seems to be to always stay in a fairytale, unrealistic state, and this is something a Sagittarius will never want to do. If truth isn’t lived, nothing in the world is beautiful for a Sagittarian Sun. As soon as they start their search for something different, Libra will sense the change and become frustrated by their inability to create oneness with a partner they love.


It is wonderful to watch how soft Libra gets, forgetting about Saturn and their own responsibility, as Sagittarius’ childish nature melts their heart. Even if this isn’t something with a promising future, for no one can run from their true nature, it will bring them both joy and happiness at least for a little while. Libra partner will be able to relax next to someone who doesn’t judge, and Sagittarius partner will feel like their energy is well focused on someone that needs some youth, warmth, light, optimism and creativity in their life.

For as long as they don’t brush on ego problems, their communication and intellectual compatibility are a given. The main problem that will eventually surface and need to be dealt with, is in the forces of their Suns. Libra’s Sun is weak, and they will easily give the wheel to someone else who will make positive decisions and moves for them. Sagittarius has too much fiery energy in their Sun, active, taking action and always prepared to give some of it even if nobody asked for it in the first place. This could lead to a subtle, hidden, will imposing and a character shift that will leave them both bruised for respect when a light is finally shed on the issue.


This is one of the most compatible couples when it comes to the emotional side of their relationship. It is not easy for any one of them to find love and share it with someone. They are, after all, an Air and a Fire sign. Even though Libra is ruled by Venus, it is linked to the mental processes, social adaptation and communication through its element, while Sagittarius has passionate feelings, but uses their head, spreading their philosophy, more than actually feeling.

When they get together, they seem to be able to find a balance in which both of them use their heads just enough, and give each other enough room for love to be born. This is a bond that gives both partners the opportunity to understand how deep their emotions can go, as beneficent rulers make way for feelings to surface in a supporting atmosphere. Even though their relationship is not always meant to be the one they will stay in for life, it could prepare them for a love they seek, giving them a glimpse of what they are capable of.


These partners will value the strength of mind in a way that is understandable only to them. Libra doesn’t seem like a creative person to others, but a Sagittarius sees their intellect through communication and motivates them to show their warmth. This leads to shared value of their entire relationship and an intellectual understanding that gives them room to build their shared philosophy. Even if they don’t start their relationship in the same place, they will have the opportunity to build similar values in time, showing each other what’s truly important.


Even though we could easily assume that a Libra and a Sagittarius will have lots of things to do together, there is a great chance that their choices of activities won’t be so similar. Libra wants to stick to their usual routine, and make fieldtrips to things that interest them from time to time. Sagittarius wants to move from any routine and live a life travelling the world. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, and there are uplifted Libras that will want to travel the world, as much as there are Sagittarius representatives that want to follow a certain trail, while fantasizing about their reality. However, in most cases, their needs won’t fit that well and they will probably face the challenge of their usual ego battle while choosing what to do together.


The relationship of Libra and Sagittarius is in most cases a beneficent bond that allows these partners to develop their emotional, inner worlds and build their lives without negative influences. However, there is an archetypal battle between them, for Saturn exalts in Libra and doesn’t really care for his son, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius. This could easily lead to a struggle for supremacy and a battle to reach the ruling position among them. This comes as a continuation of Libra’s bruised Sun and a Sagittarius will fit in perfectly with the need to give away every sense of pride out of some childish convictions. The only way for them to be happy together, is to respect each other fully and let each other do what they are meant to do. Libra should stick to their relationship and love, ruled by Venus, while Sagittarius should stick to their convictions and width, ruled by Jupiter, multiplying the love Libra provides.


There is a strange understanding between these two signs, as if they were one and the same, at least for a little while. The strength of character they share is something that will give them just the right amount of confidence when it comes to sex, and the creativity and openness of Sagittarius will be refreshing for the fixed nature of Scorpio. However, this often doesn’t last very long and in time, in most cases, Scorpio starts thinking of their Sagittarius partner as unreliable and not to be trusted, while Sagittarius sees Scorpio as dark, pushy and too controlling.

In order to remain in a healthy sexual relationship, both of these partners have to compromise, Scorpio finding a way to give freedom, while Sagittarius finding a way not to run away from the seriousness of their partner. In the best possible contact, Scorpio will give their sex life emotion and true physical intimacy, while Sagittarius will be there to give meaning and shake things up, representing the light at the end of a tunnel. Together, they can build an incredible sexual relationship, for both tend to be uninhibited about locations, positions and situations in which they wish to make love.


The biggest problem for a Scorpio and a Sagittarius in a relationship is trust. Scorpio has the need to tie their partner down, even if they have that seemingly liberating view on love. There is nothing a Sagittarius will dread more than someone trying to control their life. If someone can spark the need of Sagittarius to be unfaithful, it is most definitely Scorpio, launching them further and further away by trying to come closer. An additional problem with this couple is in the quality of their signs, Scorpio being fixed and Sagittarius mutable. This makes it almost impossible for them to share a pace, and in order not to disappoint each other, they both might choose to lie. The strangest thing in this relationship is in the fact that these two signs are, without a doubt, the most honest signs of the zodiac. Still, their relationship seems to face them with the other side of their personality, one none of them wants to see.


Two such strong individuals give each other exactly what each of them needs when it comes to their mental compatibility. Not only does Scorpio feel lighter, more optimistic about life and everything in it when communicating with a Sagittarius, but the depth they give to Sagittarius’ mind and ways to reach conclusions is impossible for any other sign. Scorpio will face Sagittarius with any superficial or outdated views, while being compassionate enough to know how to do this without hurting them, and being fixed enough not to change their intent somewhere along the way when Sagittarius thinks of running away.

They will enjoy each other’s company for as long as expectations and emotional disagreements are not in focus, for they have an incredible thing to share – their search for truth. The meaning they seek in all things in life, Scorpio going into depth and Sagittarius traveling wide, will connect them through a strong bond that no other combination of signs can form. If they are on a shared mission, they can accomplish incredible things and have real epiphanies together.


They will enjoy each other’s company for as long as expectations and emotional disagreements are not in focus, for they have an incredible thing to share – their search for truth. The meaning they seek in all things in life, Scorpio going into depth and Sagittarius traveling wide, will connect them through a strong bond that no other combination of signs can form. If they are on a shared mission, they can accomplish incredible things and have real epiphanies together.


Since Scorpio is the sign of the exaltation of Uranus, and Sagittarius understands this through its third house, they both value freedom and one’s ability to fight for their beliefs. They can both feel like outcasts and value each other’s decisions to differ from others out of self-respect. Still, in most cases they will easily consider each other invaluable in a way, for they cannot meet the expectations each of them has for his partner’s personality. The only way for them to value each other, is to focus on the positive characteristics and sides of one another and their entire contact.


For as long as their communication is inspiring for both partners, they won’t need much to be satisfied by their activities. Sagittarius will want to try anything new and Scorpio’s approach to life is always new from their perspective, while Scorpio will enjoy the first impulse of optimism and fun. It is a good thing that Scorpio exalts Uranus, for this gives them enough love for change and exciting, new things that Sagittarius can bring into their lives. However, the fixed quality of Scorpio will make this exhilaration fade as soon as their relationship becomes routine, in any way. As time passes, there is a great chance for Sagittarius to start feeling pressured, or simply be bored, and this doesn’t give great promise of future.


Scorpio and Sagittarius make a pretty great couple, for as long as they feel the first excitement at the start of their relationship. While they don’t know each other well and everything seems new and incredible, Scorpio will see their Sagittarius partner as a ray of light that suddenly makes their life brighter and better, while Sagittarius will see that there is so much to learn and enjoy the depth of their Scorpio partner, followed by emotional attachment. In time, there is a strong chance they will slowly lose interest in one another, especially the mutable sign of Sagittarius for their fixed Scorpio partner. Even though their relationship might end on bad terms, it would be a shame not to give in to it and let it fascinate and exalt both of them for however long.


When you think of two Sagittarius partners in a sexual relationship, you might as well think of two teenagers that find everything funny. This is a beneficent relationship, but it can be superficial and very short-lasting. Both of these partners think a lot, have their own liberal philosophy, and are easily pulled together in a series of one-night stands or casual sexual activity that no other sign would jump into. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, making both of them change with the slightest glimpse of a problem, and while they are satisfied with the unrestrained, liberating experience, they will remain as intimate as their minds allow them to.

The problem they might have to deal with is the lack of emotion and depth in their contact. Sagittarius is not often superficial, but when with another Sagittarius, their minds throw them in all sorts of different directions and there is not much room for genuine emotion. They can be madly in love, but still lack consistency in their emotional contact. This will influence their sex life and make it as changeable as they both are. Even though this won’t affect their overall satisfaction, it might cut their relationship short and make them understand they need to be with someone different.


What possible reason could two Sagittarius partners have to not trust each other? They consider themselves the most honest in the entire zodiac, and they will have the ability to understand each other in this honesty. Even though the sign of Sagittarius has a tendency to show affection to several people at the same time, enjoying everything in abundance, when two of them come together, they simply won’t mind. The only possible reason for jealousy and mistrust in this contact rises from other personal pointers, rather than their Suns in the sign of Sagittarius.


The joy of this contact is something rarely anyone has a chance to feel except a Sagittarius with another Sagittarius. When they find shared interests and discover their similar convictions, there is nothing stopping them from exciting, passionate discussions in which it is finally easy for them to be who they are. One Sagittarius truly loves talking to another, and unless there is a hidden ego battle between them, they will rarely get angry or frustrated by anything their partner has to say.

Each Sagittarius often has friends born in the same Sun sign, because no one else can understand their nature, cherish it, and awaken their inner child as their own reflection. When these Suns come together, their passion for things they do multiplies. For as long as there’s no judgment or a need to impose their will on one another, their time spent together will be incredibly valuable for both. Those smiles they share with everyone on this planet will be returned in just the right amount only by another Sagittarius.


Sagittarius is a sign not often described as emotional, but in fact their ruler, Jupiter, finds the place of its exaltation in Cancer, the ruler of all emotion. We might say that the real goal of every Sagittarius is to find this inner emotional peace, to find home, without running from difficulty, sadness and any emotion that needs to be dealt with. Each Sagittarius wants to be satisfied and happy, with no hidden intent, manipulation, dishonesty or any impurities. Their intentions are always good and they might help each other reach for their utopian goals when together.

However, when these two begin their relationship, they understand the positivity and the optimism they share with clarity, but this lifts them even higher off the ground. If they feed each other’s inconsistencies and needs to run from any seriousness and reality, they could truly get lost on their search for love. The problem these partners have is not in the lack of love, but in the support of various directions that can move them away from their hearts. They often seem to need a bit more consistency to find the love they seek.


It is wonderful to watch two Jupiter’s minions play with their convictions and share values as if it was the most common thing on Earth. Even when they stumble upon a disagreement, there is a great chance they will laugh it off and forget about it in a couple of hours. The positivity of this clash of fiery Suns is something that can overcome any value previously set, and they will easily adapt to one another and find a perfect compromise, even when they disagree. The most important value they share is the one they both give to freedom of spirit and the goodness of humankind. When they find this point of shared utopia, there is nothing else that will truly matter.


They can basically do anything together, if they manage to find each other. They are easily distracted by various things in their lives and aren’t very fixed on their agreements, seeking freedom and understanding from one another. When they are faced with their own weaknesses, one of them being that lack of responsibility and reliability, they can really get annoyed and angry. This is not typical, but it is very possible in case one of them doesn’t see themselves in a true light which can be expected from any Sagittarius. The best thing these partners could do is travel the world together, with a basis of a plan that is to be respected. No other sign can understand their need for travel, knowledge, width and distances, and this is something they should share and multiply when together.


One Sagittarius will easily fall in love with the other and their passionate relationship can change very fast. As two representatives of a mutable sign, they will adapt easily, but change their opinions and feelings toward each other with a similar ease. This doesn’t always bring promise of a long-term relationship, for there is no partner to be the glue that holds them together. This doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy each other’s company, find many things to share while they are together, and laugh as children while being on the same path. If they discover the true happiness of two Jupiter affected people combined, they might lose interest in everyone else and find that point of needed balance to keep them together in their travels for as long as they live.


There is something unbearable about the sexual contact of these partners. Even when they are attracted to each other and form a sexual bond, after their time has passed they will probably feel like they shouldn’t have been together. There is no logical explanation to this feeling, but it is present more often than not. Differences in their character can be strangely easy for them to handle, simply because a Sagittarius takes everything in with ease, and Capricorn feels responsible enough to understand their partner’s immaturity as their own fault, in some strange way.

Each Capricorn wants meaning and depth to their physical encounters, for they are slow, thorough and value their physical reality. Sagittarius often doesn’t understand the pace at which a Capricorn wants to move in, nor do they see the importance of the physical world that Capricorn has the responsibility to. In the beginning of their relationship, if they share the same desires, they might not see how incompatible they actually are. Unfortunately, as time passes, it becomes pretty obvious that their archetypal battle reflects on their characters in a way that taints their sex life.

The only way they can ever remain in a healthy sexual relationship, is if Sagittarius respects the physical, as much as Capricorn loosens up and respects change that comes with their partner’s Jupiter governed Soul. Their meeting point is in the sing opposing Capricorn, where the ruler of Sagittarius is exalted. In other words, their meeting point is in pure emotion.


It is true that Sagittarius is one of the most honest members of the zodiac when it comes to their relationship with others, but they are rarely entirely honest with themselves. Capricorn feels this and recognizes the lack of inner honesty that doesn’t seem to change. The problem here is in the fact that Capricorn is the sign of Jupiter’s fall and this is the ruler of Sagittarius, as well as the traditional ruler of Pisces. The magic of life and the beliefs that lead in a certain direction seem to be lost on Capricorn. They know with certainty that the only things that give results are their rational mind and hard work. How can someone like Sagittarius explain to them that beliefs create their reality and that it is enough to believe in a good outcome, to affect the entire web of circumstances in a positive way? This issue comes down to a problem with trust, but in fact it goes much deeper than that.


A Sagittarius and a Capricorn can be full of understanding for each other, if they don’t jump into a battle over their belief systems. Sagittarius has that optimistic smile that will definitely put a smile on Capricorn’s face too, and it will get much easier for those fiery, creative ideas of Sagittarius to find their grounding through Capricorn’s practical approach. With enough respect, this is a couple that links a visionary with a builder, and there is really nothing they cannot make when together. If they don’t expect change from one another, they are very likely to be extremely intellectually compatible.

The most beautiful thing in this contact is in their complementing protective roles. Both of these signs represent protection, Sagittarius ruled by the greatest benefic and Capricorn as our fence, our shell to the outer world. When they manage to build a functional core, these are partners that will never let anyone else affect their relationship. If they are in search of someone who will not allow interfering, meddling and any type of disrespect from other people, this relationship might be their best choice.


Sagittarius and Capricorn can find a shared emotional language due to the fact that Capricorn needs someone like their opposing sign to complete them, and Sagittarius tends to become that sign as a place of Jupiter’s exaltation. This is where their hearts meet and if there is enough faith in a Sagittarius, without any unrealistic expectations, they might fall in love deeply. There is a small chance that a Sagittarius will be that mellow, tender person a Capricorn needs, but this is something that can be overcome with enough closeness and understanding of their differences.


There is one important thing these partners agree on, and that is the value of intelligence. Sagittarius is a mental sign, focused on philosophy and learning, always in search for unity, synthesis and that universal truth. Capricorn is the logical continuance of Sagittarius, as a practical tool that uses knowledge. If they don’t find each other stupid, they will click in the same wavelength without much trouble, and discover that they share a certain depth and curiosity that isn’t obvious at first glance. Still, most of their values differ greatly and their needs are often too far off. While one of them values freedom, width and creativity, the other values practicality, responsibility and focus.


Even though we would think that a Sagittarius will get bored and want to run off from their Capricorn partner, in most cases this doesn’t happen. The lack of relationship between their Suns helps their bond with a certain lack of disrespect. This leads them into a situation in which a Sagittarius finds their Capricorn partner interesting, as an extraterrestrial they have always wanted to meet. They are different enough to be interested in each other with genuine curiosity and a Sagittarius is always ready to try out something new. Capricorn will probably refuse many of the childish activities Sagittarius suggests, but it becomes fun to talk them into it and there is a note of laughter and joy in these attempts. They are both smart enough and aware that their differences exist, which makes their entire story so exciting and refreshing for both.


This is not your ideal relationship, and it will rarely be the one they both choose to stay in for the rest of their lives. Still, their understanding and acceptance of their differences is refreshing and fun for both partners, and they might have a good time while together, for however long. We cannot predict too much stability unless a Capricorn decides to make it, but the smile on Sagittarius’ face and the ability they have to make their partner laugh, can be the pillar of their bond for as long as they both need it.


Aquarius acts in a way Sagittarius thinks and this is quite an asset in their sex life. Their attraction can be strong, especially when a Sagittarius partner is at a crossroads in their life and need confirmation of their freedom and sexuality. Their sexual relationship will be very fun, because they both like to experiment and learn new things. Their communication will usually give them both so much satisfaction that sometimes they both almost won’t even need the act of sex in order to get satisfied.

Although their sexual connection can be very satisfying for both partners, they could have trouble creating intimacy. Sagittarius partner will bring just enough warmth in their relationship, but the mutable quality of their sign will make them easily turn their focus to something else, while Aquarius partner still holds on to the same things. They will both understand the necessity of change and incorporate it in their sex life. Still, the emotional bond and consequentially the intimacy between them could get weak and strong, on and off, too often for both of them to see each other as perfect partners.


They will sometimes know each other’s minds too well for them to create trust from the sense of absolute freedom. Sagittarius can be a sign prone to infidelity and Aquarius likes to be free to be available. With them both knowing these things about each other, they could easily start questioning if they should trust one another or not.

Although they both find their relationships very dependent on the level of freedom they have, this is probably something they won’t be able to give to each other when they decide to commit to their romantic relationship. The best remedy for the lack of trust in any of the partners is for both of them to realize they their relationship is just something out of the ordinary, casual and free from any restraints.


When Sagittarius and Aquarius find a mutual interest, it becomes the infinite source of new topics, information and could even change their life philosophies. Aquarius partner can remain distant for a long time and Sagittarius might feel like a little child, talking excessively about uninteresting topics and trying to make a connection. When they finally point in the right direction and choose to speak of something that awakens Aquarian interest, their conversations will become incredible.

Both of these partners are rational and give a lot of attention to their chain of thoughts. Both of them are fast enough in coming to different conclusions. The contact between them will spark their need for intellectual sparring and they could end up in some great debates. When they share a love for something, they will talk about it passionately, excessively and find new ideas and solutions to incorporate in their approach to this subject. The speed of Aquarius mixed with the passionate state of constant belief of Sagittarius, could make their relationship one of the most productive in the entire zodiac.


It is hard to set the scale for emotions in this relationship. None of these partners is that emotional on the surface, although Sagittarius can fall in and out of love quite often. It is a good thing that Sagittarius is so changeable, or they would have trouble keeping up with their Aquarius partner. Another good thing in this contact is the rational nature of both signs and their focus on mental processes. This will allow them to communicate about their emotions, whatever they are, without any sense of guilt or emotional pressure.

When their emotions start to build, it will take a long time before they are stable and both partners certain of their feelings for each other. Sagittarius will change their mind many times, probably going from one extreme to another because that is what they’re inspired to do by their Aquarius partner. On the other hand, Aquarius will need to form attachment first and then wait for the certainty of their partner’s love.


There is so many things they would agree on, starting from the usual – value of freedom, and moving on to their own qualities and expectations. They will both value wideness of one’s mind, the optimism and the faith behind the brains, intelligence and vision. As a sign of Neptune’s exaltation, Aquarius has a special approach to honesty, and for a Sagittarius honesty is one of the things they value most.


There will be activities that Sagittarius will want to commit to, while Aquarius will find them silly or even stupid. They could have trouble reconciling their approach to religion and any religious activities could be the source of problems in their relationship, because their whole individual belief systems could be at stake. Still, in most situations they could have a lot of fun wherever they go. Sagittarius will easily put on a smile and follow any idea Aquarius has, for as long as it makes sense or they have something to learn from it. There will probably be no place strange enough for these two to discover their shared interests once again.


A relationship between a Sagittarius and an Aquarius partner might seem like a same sex friendship to other people and whatever they might think of this, this is the type of relationship both of these partners might need. They will get together when it is time for both of them to go through a change in their lives or leave a partner they feel restricted with. Their relationship is often a shiny beacon to everyone around them because it gives priority to the future and brings hope of a better time.

The main challenge of Sagittarius and Aquarius lies in their rational natures. Although their minds will have a wonderful relationship, they could have trouble reaching real intimacy and closeness. They both need to slow down and ask themselves how they feel before they end up in a heartless bond they find solace in as they run away from the world.


If they ever manage to end up in a physical relationship, they will have a lot of fun. As two mutable signs, there will be no end to their creativity and changes in positions, scenery and levels of commitment and intimacy. Their sex life will have ups and downs, excitements and disappointments, too many expectations and a lot of surprises. The best thing about their relationship is the positivity both partners share, and a lot of laughter and fun they will share in their sex life.

Unfortunately, the level of intimacy will rarely be satisfying for any of these partners. Since they are both ruled by Jupiter, they will be faced with their rational natures and their convictions. The main reason why their sexual relationship rarely comes true is overthinking of both partners. Sagittarius will wait for a grand emotion, grand gesture or any sort of passionate initiative from Pisces, while Pisces will wait for all of the pieces of the puzzle to fit in their perfect position. In most cases, neither of these things will happen and they won’t move further from a platonic relationship.


It will be very difficult for Sagittarius and Pisces to trust each other, but they will probably accept it as a perfectly normal thing. This is the beauty of Jupiter’s rule – everything makes sense in their relationship. Sagittarius partner is too passionate and loves to have a lot of options when it comes to relationships. They will rarely settle down with anyone who lacks a strong decision to win them over. Pisces, on the other hand, will be too sensitive while trying to show their imaginary strength. They could end up following their Sagittarius partner in adventures they are not ready for, sad because of the lack of emotional understanding from their partner and ready to open up to someone else. Regardless of the purpose of each little thing they do, they will often have twisted expectations from each other and this will lead to unintentional dishonesty.


When we rule out emotional and physical sides of their relationship, a Sagittarius and a Pisces partner will be best friends, almost inseparable, for a while. There is no way to determine how long their relationship will last, and unless supported by fixed signs in their personal charts, they will rarely stay in it for long.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and traditionally so is Pisces. This is the biggest planet in the Solar system and as such, it has a great influence on the personality of these signs. They will share the same optimism, the same vision and pretty much the same delusions. These partners will be linked through extremely beneficent influences and they will most certainly share the same sense of humor, operate at the same speed and learn a lot from each other for however long they are together. Jupiter is a planet of knowledge, and they will be fascinated by the unknown they can share with each other.

In time, they will realize what their differences are in the most unusual way. Sagittarius is a sign of convictions and will be more rational and reliable than their Pisces partner. At some point Sagittarius will start to form a distance because of expectations that haven’t been met and the irresponsible, detached behavior of their Pisces partner. In return, Pisces will have a simple feeling that this is no longer where they want to be. Both of them might never understand why, but they will simply separate with no ill intentions, and probably not much anger or hurt. The beginning of their separation lies within disrespect of each other’s convictions and personalities.


Their relationship will be an emotional rollercoaster for both partners, but it will rarely last very long. The relationship they will build through communication and understanding of each other’s worlds will awaken emotions through excitement and the unexpected. They will laugh with each other with open hearts and share wonderful emotions for as long as they are in the beginning of their relationship. As soon as any problems start to arise, they will both feel their emotions fade, as if the entire relationship was superficial.

Whatever the circumstances, it is important for both of them to remember that there is nothing superficial about this contact. The learning process and the beauty of their entire relationship shouldn’t be forgotten, but kept as a base for all of their future relationships. They love each other in a strange way, idealizing each other, getting disappointed, choosing to stay apart even when they wish to be together. This is a complicated emotional contact because both partners easily fall in love, and the deepening of their relationship can make them both be swept off their feet. If the relationship ends in a disrespectful way, they could both lose a bit of their faith in love.


The biggest difference here is the value Pisces partner gives to emotions, for Sagittarius often doesn’t really understand that approach. If they connect through deep love, they will overcome this with ease and emotions they share will make Sagittarius understand their partner. In general, they will agree on many things. They will value each other’s utopias, people with good hearts, knowledge, wide perspective and travels. They will understand each other’s sense of not belonging and share the sense of a higher power.


For as long as they are in a fascination phase of their relationship, they will be inseparable. Both of them have the need to grab everything that is offered and leave nothing joyful unused, unsaid and left for tomorrow. It is like they are both hungry for happiness in a dark world they have stumbled upon, and when they meet someone this fascinating it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to enjoy. In time they will realize that although they share the same need for movement and changes of scenery, they might not need the same contents in their lives and Sagittarius will turn to physical activity, philosophy and travel, while Pisces will usually go back to creative work and the pursuit of love.


This is a relationship of two kindred spirits that often doesn’t last very long. At first, it will be challenging for them to leave the platonic zone and start building a physical relationship. Once they get close to each other, their process of learning will begin and both partners will be fascinated by each other, thinking that their relationship could never end. They will easily idealize each other, think of their relationship as the perfect love, but this infatuation won’t last very long because of their changeable natures. The fact is their relationship represents a moment in time when they have both deserved to smile. For as long as it lasts and they are happy, it will be cherished by both of them.

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